News ID : 52386
Publish Date : 7/23/2020 1:09:08 AM

BY : Quayyum Raja


Islam uses the word “INSAN” for a human being and “Insanyiat” as a quality of a human being with reference to behavior or “Ikhlaq” of human beings and their treatment of each other. We have no control over the process of creation, production, reproduction and the final extinction of the human race, but we have a contribution to nourishment, welfare and protection of our children and Insan in general.

NOURNEWS - Islam uses the word “INSAN” for a human being and “Insanyiat” as a quality of a human being with reference to behavior or “Ikhlaq” of human beings and their treatment of each other. We have no control over the process of creation, production, reproduction and the final extinction of the human race, but we have a contribution to nourishment, welfare and protection of our children and Insan in general. In sura Al Momenoon, verse 12-16, the Holy Qur’an describes how Allah (SWT) creates a human being from clay and clearly states the process of conception,   birth, growing up, growing strong, getting old and finally death.
 Allah (SWT) has described “Insan” as the most eminent of His creatures. Why? Because Allah has granted wisdom to the “Insan”, unlike animals. “Insan” can learn and invent to improve the living conditions. The wisdom allows “Insan” to distinguish between right and wrong to uphold JUSTICE & PEACE. Allah has made “Insan” as his vicegerent on earth, a factor which shows the highest status of “Insan” in the eyes of the creator. “Insan” as Allah’s representative on earth is supposed to establish “Insanyiat” through the teachings of Islam. So, what are the basic teachings of Islam? The knowledge has come to us through the Holy book of Qur’an revealed to our beloved Prohpet Muhammad (PBUH). The Prophet said treat others as you treat yourself (Bukhari). The Prophet then goes on describing how we should treat our neighbors, elders, women, children, poor and orphans. Also how we should maintain mutual relations with honesty and a sense of responsibility and responsiveness. The neighborhood is defined as 40 houses on our each side. If all neighbors are helpful to each other, there would be peace all over the world. What a fantastically simple formula of GLOBAL PEACE!

However, it is unfortunate that the “Insan” in general has failed to maintain the values of “Insanyiat” because of his failure to realize his status bestowed upon him by Allah. As noblest of Allah’s creatures with power to establish “Caliphate”, the “Insan” has plagued himself with jealousy, greed, ambition and discrimination. Instead of acting as God’s vicegerent on earth, some people have rebelled and tried to act like God themselves.  God given wisdom was supposed to be used to discern right from wrong and love Allah by loving fellow human beings, but NAFS has been enmeshed and lured by instincts, carnal desires, egotism, selfishness and hedonism.  Islam does recognize jealousy as a natural instinct appeared in the very first fight between two sons of Adam, Abeel and Kabeel  ( Al-Qur’an, 5, 27).  However, Islam has also described the consequences of such a behavior both for individuals and societies and suggested the control of nafs or libido as a cure.  No one but the human beings have committed the worst crimes against each other.  Countless people were martyred in a war against Ahl-e-Bait (families and followers of the Prophet). Twenty million people died in the First World War, 21 millions were wounded and 85 millions were killed in the Second World War. It was all because of ambition for political and economic hegemony. The United Nations had been set up to establish international peace, but the direct confrontation between imperialistic powers was only replaced by their proxy wars. 800 000 people died in Iran-Iraq war, 3 millions have died so far in Afghan war and a similar numbers have died in Syria. The conflict in Yemen and Libya goes on and God knows how many lives will be lost until a solution to these conflicts including Palestine and Jammu Kashmir is found.
    These are but a few examples of the suffering of humanity. The question is how on earth such a course of action is changed to protecting humanity?  All the religions teach peace and harmony, but the Qur’qn also points out  that “it is only the people of understanding who heed “(13:19), while according to Mathew, Jesus (PBHU) said: “They look, but not see, they hear but not listen.”  Although the Holy Qur’an is a book of revelations, the knowledge is acquired and taught. The holy Qur’an is for all human beings for all time. Allah addresses human beings as “Annaas” (people), who are told that one of the signs they have to ponder on is the process and purpose of their own creation. They are created by Allah from the same essence for the same purpose and they will one day return to Allah and judged by Him. Those with “Aqal” or reasoning reflect before it is too late. Allah may forgive any of our duties neglected towards Him, but not any right towards fellow human beings unless the victims forgive the perpetrators. The first and foremost requirement in the self-development and moral spiritual is to control the lower-self. Prophet Muhammad once said to a companion that if you can not do any good to others, at least don’t harm them. A Muslim theologian Imam Ghazali said: “If you can not reach the levels of angels, do not fall in to the level of beasts, scorpions and snakes!”  It is the duty of scholars and humanists to break the boundaries and do their utmost to promote and protect humanity. Allah will ask us on the Day of Judgment how we exercised our wisdom, knowledge and freedom of choice!


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